Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Mireille Eagan
Michael Venart
Andrea Crabbe
Chris Giles
Karen Ruet
So glad you could join us!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
What's a Tread?

In the tradition of rob mclennan's ongoing above/ground press poem broadseet series and the less frequent a little something . . . broadsheets from Broken Jaw Press, some members of the BlackTop have started producing Tread broadsheets to hand out at the gang's "reading raids" and elsewhere.
Each Tread opens to reveal a piece of wordage that you can pin to your wall like a poster. They also have a bio note informing or obscuring the writer-author. They may even have author photos or somesuch representation. Who knows for sure until after they happen and you've been raided . . . :-)
Thursday, October 18, 2007
more BlackToppers
Monday, October 15, 2007
raid on the studio of a blacktop motorcyle gang artist
words were written and words were recited, and in the end, something happened.
writers took another step towards becoming writers.
from left to right are bill, fiona, jilanna, jolene, judy, ian, and claire. seated is whitefeather, a brilliant crafter, artist, singer, writer and incredibly special person, thinking wonderful thoughts about writer soup, similar to tourist soup (which can trigger recipe searches), but with a little more imagery.
missing from the pic is jenn, but she was there in spirit.
WELCOME CHRIS!! Get ready to raid and burn up entire towns with words too hot for words.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
still working like crazy for odd sunday at molly's
in fact, i even have a special shirt for the occasion ... my "one-eyed josephine blacktop motorcyle gang reading raid on odd sunday's at molly's madness shirt" ... here's what it looks like ...
after the reading, i'm giving it away, buttons and all ...
btw, i may need to borrow a skirt and a big purse from somebody ... not for anything weird ... well, yeah, for something weird ...
reading raid at studio4ward
don't miss the pandemonium and havoc next sunday when odd sundays at molly's features the blacktop motorcycle gang
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Friday, October 5, 2007
the gang grows!

A hearty welcome and clinking of glasses ensued before the merry band headed out lookin' for adventure . . .