Getting published could be the hardest thing you’ll ever do—or the easiest. Get Published in 2012 prepares you to search for publishers or agents the right way, without wasting time. You’ll learn how to identify and contact the right publishers for your work (fiction or non-fiction); how to prepare a publishing toolkit, including a publisher tracking sheet, long and short synopses, query and covering letters, author bio and publication history (even if you don’t already have anything published). You’ll learn how to prepare a marketing plan for those publishers who demand them in the submission process. You’ll also learn how to receive free critiques of your work, how to deal with rejection and how to avoid scams. We’ll look at traditional forms of publishing, self-publishing and electronic publishing.
Everyone will also receive a free copy of eMarketing Tools for Writers, 3rd Edition.
Instructor: Biff Mitchell
Date: Saturday, January14
Time: 10 AM till 4:30 PM (with a one hour break at noon)
Place: Studio4Ward, 384 Queen Street (across from City Hall)
Workshop Fee: $60
To enroll or learn more, call 455-BIFF (2433) or email biff@biffmitchell.com.